Tuesday 13 March 2012


The didgeridoo (also accepted as a didjeridu or didge) is a wind apparatus developed by Indigenous Australians of arctic Australia about 1,500 years ago and still in boundless acceptance today both in Australia and about the world. It is sometimes declared as a accustomed board trumpet or "drone pipe". Musicologists allocate it as a assumption aerophone.1

There are no reliable sources advertence the didgeridoo's exact age. Archaeological studies of bedrock art in Arctic Australia advance that the bodies of the Kakadu arena of the Arctic Territory accept been application the didgeridoo for beneath than 1,000 years, based on the dating of paintings on cavern walls and shelters from this period.2 A bright bedrock painting in Ginga Wardelirrhmeng, on the arctic bend of the Arnhem Land plateau, from the freshwater period3 shows a didgeridoo amateur and two songmen accommodating in an Ubarr Ceremony.4

A avant-garde didgeridoo is usually annular or conical, and can admeasurement anywhere from 1 to 3 m (3 to 10 ft) long. Most are about 1.2 m (4 ft) long. The breadth is anon accompanying to the 1/2 complete amicableness of the keynote. Generally, the best the instrument, the lower the angle or key of the instrument.


"Didgeridoo" is advised to be an onomatopoetic chat of Western invention. It has additionally been appropriate that it may be acquired from the Irish words dúdaire or dúidire, acceptation abnormally 'trumpeter; connected smoker, puffer; long-necked person, eavesdropper; hummer, crooner' and dubh, acceptation "black" (or dúth, acceptation "native").5 However, this approach is not broadly accepted.

The ancient occurrences of the chat in book accommodate a 1919 affair of Smith's Weekly area it was referred to as an "infernal didjerry" which "produced but one complete - (phonic) didjerry, didjerry, didjerry and so on ad infinitum", the 1919 Australian National Dictionary, The Bulletin in 1924 and the writings of Herbert Basedow in 1926. There are abundant names for this apparatus amid the Aboriginal bodies of arctic Australia, with yiḏaki one of the more good accepted words in avant-garde Western society. Yiḏaki, additionally sometimes spelt yirdaki, refers to the specific blazon of apparatus fabricated and acclimated by the Yolngu bodies of north-east Arnhem Land. However, Yolngu themselves are currently application the analogue mandapul to accredit to the instrument, out of account for the casual of a Manggalili-clan man in aboriginal 2011 whose name sounds agnate to yiḏaki. Many didgeridoo enthusiasts and some advisers apostle reserving affiliated names for affiliated instruments, and this convenance has been accustomed by some Aboriginal association organisations,6 admitting in circadian chat bilingual Aboriginal bodies will generally use the chat "didgeridoo" interchangeably with the instrument's name in their own language.


Many didgeridoos are corrective application acceptable or avant-garde paints by either their maker or a committed artist, about it is not capital that the apparatus be decorated. It is additionally accepted to absorb the accustomed copse atom with basal or no decoration. Some avant-garde makers advisedly abstain adornment if they are not of Indigenous Australian descent, or leave the apparatus bare for an Indigenous Australian artisan to adorn it at a after stage.

Cultural significance

Traditionally and originally, the didgeridoo was primarily played as an accessory to august dancing and singing. However, it was additionally accepted for didgeridoos to be played for abandoned or recreational purposes alfresco of august gatherings. For actual Aboriginal groups of arctic Australia, the didgeridoo is still an basic allotment of august life, as it accompanies singers and dancers in cultural ceremonies that continue. Today, the majority of didgeridoo arena is for recreational purposes in both Indigenous Australian communities and abroad about the world.

Pair sticks, sometimes alleged clapsticks or bilma, authorize the exhausted for the songs during ceremonies. The accent of the didgeridoo and the exhausted of the clapsticks are precise, and these patterns accept been handed bottomward for abounding generations. In the Wangga genre, the song-man starts with vocals and again introduces blima to the accessory of didgeridoo.14

Gender prohibition

Traditionally, alone men comedy the didgeridoo and sing during august occasions, although both men and women may dance. Female didgeridoo players do exist, but their arena takes abode in an breezy ambience and is not accurately encouraged. Linda Barwick, an ethnomusicologist, says that admitting commonly women accept not played the didgeridoo in ceremony, in breezy situations there is no prohibition in the Dreaming Law.15 For example, Jemima Wimalu, a Mara woman from the Roper River is actual accomplished at arena the didgeridoo and is featured on the almanac Aboriginal Sound Instruments appear in 1978. In 1995, musicologist Steve Knopoff empiric Yirrkala women assuming djatpangarri songs that are commonly performed by men and in 1996, ethnomusicologist Elizabeth MacKinley appear women of the Yanyuwa accumulation giving accessible performances. On 3 September 2008, however, administrator Harper Collins issued a accessible acknowledgment for its book "The Daring Book for Girls" which aboveboard encouraged girls to comedy the instrument.16172

While there is no prohibition in the breadth of the didgeridoo's origin, such restrictions accept been activated by added Indigenous communities. The didgeridoo was alien to the Kimberlies about a aeon ago but it is alone in the aftermost decade that Aboriginal men accept apparent adverse reactions to women arena the apparatus and prohibitions are abnormally axiomatic in the South East of Australia. The acceptance that women are banned from arena is boundless amid non-Aboriginal bodies and is additionally accepted amid Aboriginal communities in Southern Australia; some ethnomusicologists accept that the broadcasting of the Taboo acceptance and added misconceptions is a aftereffect of bartering agendas and marketing. Tourists about await on boutique advisers for advice back purchasing a didgeridoo. Additionally, the majority of bartering didgeridoo recordings accessible are broadcast by bunch recording companies and affection non-Aboriginals arena a New Age appearance of music with liner addendum announcement the instrument's adherence which misleads consumers about the didgeridoo's civil role in acceptable Aboriginal culture.2

The Taboo acceptance is decidedly able amid abounding Indigenous groups in the South East of Australia, area it is banned and advised "cultural theft" for non-Indigenous women, and abnormally performers of New Age music behindhand of gender, to comedy or alike blow a didgeridoo.2

In popular culture

The didgeridoo additionally became a role arena apparatus in the beginning and beat music scene. Automated music bands like Test Department generated sounds from this apparatus and acclimated them in their automated performances, bond anatomy to industry, afflicted by indigenous music and culture.

It has additionally been an apparatus acclimated for the admixture of affiliated rhythms with a atramentous metal sound, a music activity alleged Naakhum that acclimated the paganism of the Australian tribes and abounding others as an approach.

Health benefits

A 2005 abstraction in the British Medical Journal begin that acquirements and practising the didgeridoo helped abate comatose and adverse beddy-bye apnea by deepening anatomy in the high airway, appropriately abbreviation their addiction to collapse during sleep.18 This deepening occurs afterwards the amateur has baffled the annular breath technique.